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Shu Min


3 Months


Product & UI/UX Design


As Singapore is facing issues with the ageing population, most of the elderly experience leg aches while they are walking which causes them to walk less or use walking assistance. It is essential to design a solution that can help reduce the pain in the knees for the elderly while they are exercising or doing their daily activities so that they will be encouraged to exercise. 

PAWA is a solution that reduces knee aches. The east-meeting-west combination provides electrical pulses, aiming specifically at the targeted acupuncture points. This stimulates the blood flow which enhances the users’ experience while walking. With PAWA, you will be able to walk comfortably and easily.

Award-winning design

Participated in the Assistive and Rehabilitation Technologies Student Innovation Challenge (ARTSIC), (Design Category) and won a gold award. Representing Singapore in the global challenge in Thailand.

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